The most valid certification is the passion and the care we put into the production of automatic systems for gates or doors
The certifications of the Casit corporate quality system arise from the desire to be considered a transparent organization and with a documented management model, compliant and perfectly compliant with the reference standards.
Meets the requirements UNI EN ISO 9001:20015
Casit Srl is recognized as complying with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 20015 requirements for the following activity: “Design, construction and assistance of electric automatisms and accessories for gates, industrial folding doors, bottom hinges, barriers and windows in general”. As evidenced by the certificates of the bodies responsible for checks and issuing of the same.
Certification ICIM IQNET printable version ITALIAN – ENGLISH
All Casit products are CE certified.
Automation for gates, industrial doors, garage doors, “Made in Italy” road barriers
Strada Pietra Alta 1
10040 Caselette (TO) Italy
Email address
Phone contacts
Phone: +39 0119688230-9688170
Fax: +39 0119688363
Tax data
VAT number./Cod. Tax: 00506590017
Cod. Recipient: W7YVJK9
Office and Warehouse Hours:
Monday – Friday 08:30-11:45/13:30-17:15

Automation for the command and control of gates, industrial doors, barriers, passages of all kinds.